Review: Eric Mason’s Beat God to the Punch

When I first heard the title of Pastor Eric Mason’s new book Beat God To The Punch my initial thought was how is that even possible.  God knows everything, He is the Beginning and End, He has knowledge about everything that ever has happened and will happen in history, He knows every little detail about us including the number of hairs on our head, and He is the Creator of all things so how can anyone one up God in anything?

Upon reading the introduction to the book I was able to gain insight into the reasoning behind the title and the heart behind the book being written. God has indeed provided a way in His love, mercy, and grace for humanity to beat Him to the punch. The punch that Pastor Mason is referring to in the title is the wrath of God that will be poured out upon all those who have not taken Him up as the only way that will keep us from being consumed by His wrath

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Jesus Is Better Than Possessions #JesusIsBetter

As humans we are naturally drawn to obtaining possessions. I can remember at a young age watching commercials for Transformers, G.I. Joes, and Hot Wheels and constantly asking my parents for those items. I would do whatever I could to convince them that I needed a particular toy and little did I know that I was beginning to mold my mind to seek after possessions. This train of thought only continued to grow, especially as I got older and was able to earn my own income. My desire for possessions went from toys, to brand name clothes, to wanting certain cars, game systems, and a nice house. In and of themselves these things are not bad, but when one’s life is centered on getting those things the never-ending pursuit of possessions will waste your time and life away.

Just think about it for a second, most people do not desire to earn more money to help other people; the desire for more income is usually centered on being able to buy nicer items, take better vacations, or to have the freedom to do whatever we want to do when we want to do it. We see commercials everyday that play to our lust and desire for the so-called “good life.” This often leads to an existence of seeking after possessions whether we realize it or not.

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Battle Ready

Within the last month or so we have seen an influx of discussion on the issue of ethnicity and culture. A large part of the resurrection of this issue has been sprung from spoken-word poet and hip-hop artist Propaganda’s song “Precious Puritans,” which can be heard on his new album Excellent. The song encourages those who have been taught by the Puritan writings to not romanticize them to the point of ignoring their approval of and participation in slavery of Africans in America and for pastors to not forget that there are people in their congregations who may not see the Puritans in the same light as they do. Ultimately Propaganda ends the song by stating that in spite of the sins of the Puritans God still used them to contribute in His plan for man and still does the same with us all in spite of our sinfulness.

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