Friday, March 15, 2013

Review: The Bruised Reed (Illustrated Puritans) by Richard Sibbes and illustrated by Aaron Youngren

5 out of 5 Stars
Author: Richard Sibbes
Illustrator: Aaron Youngren
Publisher: St George Rides the Dragon Press
Buy The Bruised Reed (Illustrated Puritans)
Reading Level: Moderate

I will offer a brief overview of the text of The Bruised Reed itself but mainly I will be urging you to purchase this particular edition of Richard Sibbes’s classic tome. First about the text itself. The Bruised Reed may be the most life changing book outside of Scripture I’ve read. I’m sure part of that has to do with my own constitution. I’m prone to feel very much like a bruised reed or a floundering flame. Sibbes provides gospel rich pastoral care for those kinds of souls. I’m prone to believe we all experience these kinds of feelings to some degree or another in our life. Maybe some to a greater extent but life in a fallen world will produce sadness at times.

For those times you should read this book and store it away to read again when you are in the midst of the storm. This book is an exposition of Isaiah 42:3 “a bruised reed he will not break, / and a faintly burning wick he will not quench; / he will faithfully bring forth justice.” But in the typical Puritan style Sibbes expounds this passage through a gospel story lens. You will see as you read through that this book is stringently trinitarian. He focus relentlessly on Jesus’s finished work on your behalf and on his mediatoral role as our high priest; on the Spirit’s work as comforter; and the Father’s work as sovereign  orchestrator of your salvation. I could liter this review with quotation after quotation filled with trinitarian gospel delight.

There are many edition of this book you could buy but this is the edition you should buy. Aaron Youngren has put together excellent illustrations for this text. If I didn’t know better I would say the two were meant to be together. Not only are the illustrations excellent, the layout of the pages lends itself for meditation. You have a margin well-suited for notes and space at the end of most chapters for self-application. I’ve said before I almost always judge a book by its cover. This book's cover, design, illustration, and text are all excellent at pointing to Christ. Pragmatically you won’t spend a better $10.

If you plan on purchasing The Bruised Reed (Illustrated Puritans), consider supporting Grace for Sinners by purchasing from Amazon.

My favorite illustrations.

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